TY - JOUR AU - office, Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (CDT), Editorial PY - 2012 TI - New data on cardiovascular interventions in China reported JF - Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy; Vol 2, No 2 (June 27, 2012): Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy Y2 - 2012 KW - N2 - During the Fifth Chinese Cardiovascular Intervention Forum new data on cardiovascular interventions was reported. The meeting, which is jointly sponsored by Chinese Medical Association, Chinese College of Cardiovascular Physicians, Chinese Society of Cardiology, and Chinese Medical Foundation, took place from March 1-3, 2012 in Nanning, the capital of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China. UR - https://cdt.amegroups.org/article/view/627