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Direct communication between the left circumflex and the right coronary arteries: a very rare coronary anomaly circulation

	author = {Marcos Oliveira and Rafael R. Cavalcanti and Alexandre H. Kajita and Thais Miranda and Luiz J. Kajita and Pedro E. Horta and Expedito E. Ribeiro and Pedro Lemos},
	title = {Direct communication between the left circumflex and the right coronary arteries: a very rare coronary anomaly circulation},
	journal = {Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy},
	volume = {6},
	number = {1},
	year = {2015},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Coronary artery anomalies (CAA) are congenital changes in their origin, course, and/or structure. Intercoronary communication (ICC) is a very rare subset with uni- or bidirectional blood flow between two or more coronary arteries. We present the case of a 58-year-old man with an acute coronary syndrome whose coronary angiography incidentally showed a surprising and very rare communication between the the right coronary and left circumflex arteries.},
	issn = {2223-3660},	url = {}