Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (CDT): yet another journal?
It is my pleasure to introduce the inaugural issue of our new journal entitled ‘Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (CDT)’ ( CDT is published in English quarterly by AME Publishing Company. This first issue contains a collection of articles written by an international group of authors, covering a wide spectrum of topics in the diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular disease. In addition one article introduces our feature called ‘Art and Medicine’ (1).
One might question the need for another journal covering cardiovascular disease, joining an already large number of high-impact journals. The rational to launch CDT are defined by the features that set this journal apart:
- ⬥ Above all, the journal is intended as an interactive tool for exchange of data and cooperation between investigators worldwide. As described in recent reports, there is increasing geographic diversity of leading research laboratories (2). CDT encourages submission from all countries and regions, including countries with emerging and developing economies. Based on the diversity of an international editorial board, peer-review will take existing differences into account.
- ⬥ The language of the journal is English. However, in the context of international exchange, the journal will provide some of its content in Chinese (Mandarin). This will allow access to an extended readership. The bi-lingual content will benefit readers not fluent in English, but also authors interested in wide distribution of their data in Chinese.
- ⬥ Rapid, global distribution of published data will be achieved through the novel publishing platform of the journal. While a traditional print version (ISSN: 2223-3652) will be maintained, the journal is published as an on-line version (ISSN: 2223-3660). Open-access to the on-line journal is maintained through the website of the journal (, which will serve as the central hub, allowing free access to all accepted articles, but also additional information, including interviews and additional visual material. The website will also allow feedback and will be an interactive tool for on-line discussion.
- ⬥ The website will be linked with international websites (e.g, DXY and MDLinx), which will significantly expand the distribution of its contents. DXY ( is the largest online academic portal for over five million Chinese physicians and life science professionals, with average daily page views of 1.8 millions. MDLinx ( aggregates medical articles, medical journals, medical newsletters and research from more than 1,200 peer-reviewed journals and leading news media on a daily basis. The paper is also linked to Facebook and Twitter.
- ⬥ The journal encourages submissions in the field of cardiovascular medicine and surgery. In addition, we encourage submissions about topics not covered extensively in the current literature. This includes submissions describing the relationship between socioeconomic and environmental factor and cardiovascular health, the impact of global climate change, the relationship between ‘Western’ medicine and ‘traditional Chinese medicine’, and the role of art in medicine, etc.
- ⬥ An additional feature is called ‘Art and Medicine’ (1).
To achieve these goals, CDT is published as an open-access journal on-line and in print quarterly. The journal will publish original data, review articles, and other article types, in the entire field of cardiovascular medicine and surgery. Both clinical and basic science related articles are encouraged.
Submission is on-line and the review process is streamlined to provide rapid turnaround time. Accepted manuscripts will immediately be posted ‘on-line first’ on the CDT-website, allowing free-access. The website also allows display of supplemental material including additional images and videos (3).
The publishers are proactive in obtaining inclusion into scientific databases (e.g, Pubmed, Web of Science) and obtaining an impact factor as soon as possible.
We anticipate that CDT will grow into an internationally respected tool for sharing novel basic and clinical science data in the field of cardiovascular medicine and surgery. To reach this goal the journal will utilize both traditional print access and availability through conventional scientific search engines, but importantly also make use of novel social media and on-line distribution, with the journal website ( as the central hub.
Disclosure: The author declares no conflict of interest.
- Finkel J. Contemporary art in medicine: The Cleveland Clinic Art collection. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2011;1:71-5.
- Knowledge, networks and nations: Global scientific collaboration in the 21 century - Royal Society. RS Policy document 03/11; Issued: March 2011 DES2096. Available from:
- Schoenhagen P, Hausleiter J, Achenbach S. Y. Desai M, Tuzcu E.M. Computed tomography in the evaluation for transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 2011;1:44-56.